Saturday, May 5, 2012

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Friday, October 1, 2010

What is Dysthymia?

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Dysthymia (or dysthymic disorder) is a chronic state of mild depression that lasts for years. It is believed to affect about 3 percent of the population at any time and thus is the most common form of depression.
In dysthymia, the mood never seems to quit for more than a day or two, draining all pleasure from life. Every couple of years it may vanish for a month or two, but it almost always returns.
Some people grow so used to being depressed that they think it is part and parcel of who they are rather than an illness that can be treated. Because symptoms are not as severe as in major depression, sufferers are better able to function in the short run. In the long run, however, because their symptoms are chronic, their relationships and work suffer. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dysthymic Disorder or Dysthymia

What to do about depression

Do not dwell on negative thoughts honey, it bides no goodwill.
I advise that you see a doctor and take the steps to find out whether or not this depression is due to a chemical imbalance, in which case you will need medication to assist you to gain a sense of wellbeing.
Do not drink, it tends to exacerbate depression.
Do not indulge in any illicit drugs, it is not a cure, it is a death wish.
Try and involve as many positive influences in your life as possible.
Physical exercise enhances the release of serotonin. It helps you feel good about yourself.
The healthier you maintain your body, the better you will feel mentally.
Read quality literary materials that do not carry any negative connotations.
Think about all your strengths and involve them in a past time you enjoy.
Whatever you do, do not hang around people who tend to be negative. Write me if you would like more information. I suffer from Chronic Depression and have researched all there is on the subject and the road of recovery. I am happy to supply all information completely free of charge.

Dysthymic Disorder: Dysthymic Disorder: "Dysthymic Disorder My Grandfather was treated with electric chocks. He was pensive and often sad. They could not help him with any thing be..."